Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Legend of Will Power #1 Review

Written, Created, Penciled and Inked by: Vince White

The Legend of Will Power opens up in the future with the great teller, a large space Viking in a toga spinning, a tale to a trio of godlings about our titular hero. He goes on to reveal that before Will no other Gods existed in the universe, flash back to the present where Will is playing a high school football game. We get some narration about his premature birth and how his father, Professor Jonathan was the only one who knew he would survive. After the game, William his , girlfriend Dee and his best friend Abbot head out to the flats where his father’s laboratory is stationed. Here the professor shows them a number of his inventions including the Matter Density Converter, which you guessed it alters the density of objects placed in it. We also get a look at his Fifth Dimensional stasis chamber which shifts anything inside of it 5 degrees outside of our dimension.  During the tour something goes wrong and the Matter Density Converter malfunctions causing the entire fabric of reality to be altered, but not before Jonathan pushes Will safely into the 5D stasis chamber, from there on the story takes an interesting turn.

          This book is an example of how do indie comics like a professional.  The art while black and white is crisp, the main character is extremely likeable and wholesome without being campy.  It also features one of the most original and refreshing origin stories I’ve read in a long time, with a set up for a bigger more exciting universe.

           The only issues I had were that I would’ve like to see more interaction with Will and his father to make their relationship more impactful, also color would have made the comic shine.I give The Legend of Will Power# 1 a 4/5.

1 comment:

Molby Jean said...

Nice review very detailed
